Why Prefer Victoria Bogart for Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation?
- Highly qualified doctors.
- Hundreds of successful hair transplantations already performed.
- Only the highest quality of materials and instruments are used.
- The newest generation of Sapphire FUE hair transplant technique
What is the Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation?
As it is the case in all aspects of life, the innovations in medicine have led to the development of new and better techniques. Parallel to these developments in medicine, innovations are being introduced to hair transplantation techniques and other cures for hair loss. One of these recent innovations is the Sapphire FUE technique. Sapphire FUE can generally be defined as: "hair transplantation performed using special devices manufactured from the gemstone sapphire via FUE technique, resulting in a better and perfectly natural looking finish". In the Sapphire FUE technique small incisions are made into the scalp and the follicles are implanted in these minuscule channels.
Specifics of the Sapphire FUE Technique
The general specifics of the Sapphire FUE hair transplantation technique can be listed as follows:
- Sapphire FUE is performed using sapphire bladed special devices.
- No skin is lifted from the donor area to extract the grafts. The follicles are extracted directly.
- No incisions or stitches need to be induced to the donor area. Only small abrasions of 0.6mm-0.7mm are inflicted on the spots of extraction. These abrasions heal within a few days, without leaving any scars.
- Using the Sapphire FUE technique, the grafts that are extracted from the back of the head near the neck; can be implanted on areas on the scalp, the beard, the upper lip or as eyebrows.
- During each séance approximately 4.000 – 6.000 grafts can be extracted. Each graft contains 2-3 hair follicles.
- Depending on the amount of follicles that was extracted, it is possible to implant approximately 50-60 follicles per square cm via the sapphire FUE technique.
- The recovery period after sapphire FUE hair transplantation is usually shorter than after the use of other techniques.
- If the sapphire FUE technique is performed by a professional and qualified team, the results are very satisfying and permanent.
- This technique is an improved application of the FUE technique. This technique was developed by improving the device to inflicting the incision for the implantation
The Advantages of Hair Transplantation via Sapphire FUE
Having a hair transplantation via the Sapphire FUE technique has a lot of advantages. The primary advantages can be listed as follows:
- Hair transplantation procedure via Sapphire FUE is quite painless.
- While inflicting the incisions for implantation using the sapphire blades, the patient experiences less vibration.
- There is almost no tissue damage or trauma to the scalp.
- Since there is no tissue damage, the implanted follicles attach very easy on their new spot.
- The natural sapphire blades, used to perform the surgery in the Sapphire FUE technique, provide more operational comfort for the doctor.
- The natural sapphire blades do not cause any disruption to the working of the blood circulation.
- The sapphire blades possess naturally anti-bacterial qualities.
- The incisions inflicted by the sapphire instrument are minuscule. Therefore, the recuperation period is shorter and equivalently more and denser hair grows at the transplanted area. This leads to a better end-result, even with patients who suffer the sudden hair loss.
- It produces a very natural outcome.
- The incisions are induced in accordance to the hair follicles that were extracted. The hair roots are accordingly implanted in channels with appropriate depth and a natural angle. This way, the implanted hairs do not change their implantation angle while growing and their original form is kept.
Differences Between FUE and Sapphire FUE
The main differences between the classical FUE technique and its improved version Sapphire FUE can be listed as below:
- The blades used during Sapphire FUE are much sharper, stronger and hold anti-bacterial qualities. This results in minimum tissue damage, compared to making the incisions with metal bistouries.
- Compared to the metal slits, the sapphire tips are sharper. Which enables the implantation of a higher number of grafts with the sapphire FUE technique.
- Since a higher amount of grafts can be implanted with the Sapphire FUE technique, the result after this procedure is denser and looks very natural.
- The recovery period after classical FUE can take a bit longer.
- Contrary to the classic FUE technique, we have never encountered any unexpected bad results after the sapphire FUE. Needless to say, that this is also closely related to the qualifications of the doctor that performed the surgery.
Are you a Suitable Patient for the Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant?
Patients like to know on forehand if they are a suited to undergo the hair transplantation via Sapphire FUE. The ultimate decision of the technique to be applied in each particular case, is made during a consult by the attending doctor. Only after examination of the patient, the doctor can conclusively decide if the patient is suited for hair transplantation via the Sapphire FUE technique. However, we have listed some general guidelines to help form an idea about suitability for the sapphire FUE technique below:
- The types of hair loss that can be treated via the sapphire FUE hair transplantation technique are: hair loss due to trauma or burning, androgynous type of hair loss and traction alopecia.
- The donor-hair for implantation via the Sapphire FUE technique is extracted from other parts of the patient’s body. It is therefore fundamental that the donor area has a certain density of hair growth. If this required density is not found on the scalp just above the neck; grafts are extracted from the beard, and if this is insufficient chest hair can be used.
- Patients aged 18 and up can undergo hair transplantation via sapphire FUE.
- This technique can be applied to patients who have relatively minor hair loss, as well as on patients who have lost a big part of their existing hair.
Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant on Women
The look of a nice looking and well cared hairdo is considered very important, relentless of one’s gender. Although hair loss is generally a male problem, due to several reasons sometimes it is experienced by women as well. Superficial and cosmetic products and handlings do not always prove to be enough in achieving a satisfying look. And they certainly do not give a permanent result. Therefore, women can also consider undergoing a hair transplantation via the Sapphire FUE technique. The sapphire FUE hair transplant has very satisfying and permanent results with women.
Consecutive Phases of Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant
As is the case for any surgery, the hair transplantation via Sapphire FUE technique is performed following a certain procedure. The various stages a patient can expect during sapphire FUE procedure are as follows:
- Phase: the first step is a consult with the doctor. During his/her examination the attending doctor will analyse your hair and scalp tissue as well as your general health condition. With this examination the doctor ensures that there are no physiological or psychological restraints against undergoing a Sapphire FUE surgery. In this examination the main reason for the deformation of the hair is determined as well. During a conversation with the patient the attending doctor tries to understand the expectations of the patient. At the end of this consult the procedure for Sapphire FUE transplantation is laid out.
- Phase: in this second stage the recipient area for the hair transplant is determined. The boundaries at the forehead and the other areas are mapped out, considering the shape of the patient’s face and its features. At this stage the patient’s wishes and expectations have a big influence as well.
- Phase: at this stage local anaesthesia is administered to the scalp and the necessary amount of grafts are extracted from the donor area. Thus, getting a step closer to the actual hair transplant via sapphire FUE.
- Phase: after an adequate amount of grafts is extracted, the preparations of the receiving area are initiated. The most important among these preparations is opening the minuscule channels to the exact spots of hair transplantation, using the sapphire blades. At this point the patient is ready for transplantation.
- Phase: in this final stage the grafts are implanted. The grafts are one by one placed into the appropriate minuscule channels, using the sapphire pointed blades. When this procedure is completed, the Sapphire FUE hair transplant is finished.
Recovery After Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation
Another important issue for future patients is what to expect after the surgery. The main aspects that patients wonder about are ‘how long after surgery will my hair start to grow’ and naturally ‘what do I have to take care of after this surgery’.
First important thing patients need to be aware of, is that a short while after the sapphire FUE hair transplant, they will observe sudden hair loss. This is an absolutely normal and expected situation. Patients observing this condition should not panic. Bear in mind, hair transplantation is a process and it will take the implanted follicles a little while to adjust. Within 6 months after the sudden hair loss, new hairs will start to grow. Approximately 1 year after hair transplantation with Sapphire FUE, your hair will have reached its natural form. To bring this process to a successful ending partly depends on the patient’s own conduct. There are a few precautions that can be taken to enable the best possible result. The patient’s hygiene routine, his/her psychologic condition, and even external factors such as the climate in which the patient lives all have an influence. The attending doctor will provide you with all details to take care of after surgery. All the patient must do is follow up the doctor’s instructions. It is very important to keep in mind that the conditions of the first year after surgery have a big influence on the success rate of the hair transplantation. The process following the Sapphire FUE hair transplant can be summarized as follows:
- After the surgery a dressing will be applied to the head.
- Normally, it is allowed to wash your hair 2 days after the surgery.
- About 1 month after the hair transplantation, you will suffer sudden hair loss.
- After 3 months your hair will slowly start to grow, and after 6 months most of your hair will have grown. The complete adaptation of the implanted hairs and the result is usually reached after 1 year.
Factors that Influence the Price of Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant
Sadly, it is not possible to give correct information about the cost for sapphire FUE hair transplantation before consultation with the doctor. To enable you to form a general idea, it seems reasonable to list the factors that have an influence on calculating the cost for sapphire FUE hair transplantation. The main factors are as follows:
- The cost of Sapphire FUE hair transplantation will considerably differ, depending on the country where it is performed. This is quite logical, since there is not one currency that is used all over the world, and prices tend to differ. Getting the surgery done in a country with another currency, can save you a lot of money (depending on the exchange value). Furthermore, each country applies different price scales for medicinal procedures. Turkey, which is one of the prominent countries for medicinal tourism, can offer prices that are reasonably below other countries. Therefore, it is quite understandable that hundreds of people from different countries come to Istanbul to undergo surgery.
- The clinic in which the Sapphire FUE hair transplant is performed has a substantial influence on the price.
- As can be expected, the specific qualifications, references and experience of the attending doctor have an influence on the price that is offered. The patient should have an inquiry about the doctor and his/her references. Since these references will provide you with an idea about the hair transplantation experience you can expect to have for yourself.
- We as Victoria Bogart offer a high quality and reliable service in our clinics, located in Istanbul and Moscow. Feel free to contact the clinic that is easiest for you to access and make an appointment. At this appointment you will be examined by our attending doctor and a precise price for your surgery will be evaluated. During this consult the doctor will, in collaboration with you, define the path to follow for your hair transplant surgery. Please do not hesitate to contact us freely if you require further information.
Hair transplantation is really about relocating (transplanting) the bald resistant hair follicles from the back of the head to the balding areas on the top of the head. This process works for a lifetime because the hair follicles taken from the back of the head are genetically resistant to baldness, regardless of where they are relocated to.
The goal for most hair transplant surgeries at Victoria Bogart is to provide an aesthetic or cosmetic effect that mimics your natural hair growth as closely as possible. You can see from these real client result pictures how natural the results can be. We achieve these results by studying your hair growth patterns, understanding your loss progression and working with the donor hair you have available. The doctors employ specific techniques when designing age-appropriate hairlines and strategizing specifically where and how to plant each graft.
Patients are given local anesthesia in the donor and recipient areas. Most patients find that once the anesthesia is given that they feel no pain or discomfort during the surgery. Following surgery patients will typically feel some amount of soreness and numbness, with some mild discomfort. Most patients are pleasantly surprised by how minimal the discomfort from the surgical procedure is.
With today’s very refined micro hair transplantation procedure the incisions are very small and less invasive than past procedures. This results in more rapid healing. Most patients feel fine within a day or two following surgery, although some numbness and mild soreness can be expected for several days following surgery.
The full impact of hair transplant surgery can be experienced after approximately 8 months, when we typically see the majority of grafts producing viable hair follicles. In the months immediately after your surgery, your grafts will go through a number of phases and the follicles may fall out before the graft starts producing new hairs.
In FUE, the individual holes produced by extraction will produce small, almost imperceptible scars. When FUE is performed, extractions are dispersed widely throughout the donor zone to reduce concentrated stress and minimize appearance. The hair transplant scars produced are very small and hard to see.
The Donor Zone is the area at the back and side of your head where the hair grafts are taken from. You’ll notice that as men lose their hair, the back and sides are generally still intact even after the front and crown have receded. The hair that grows in the donor zone is less susceptible to pattern baldness and maintains this resilience even after being transplanted to a different area.
Scab on incisions begins to form on the 3rd day, but initially it is firmly attached to the skin. It begins to loosen after day 10. Surgeons recommend their patients to start slightly massaging scalp when wet from day 8. As you wash your scalp, massage it gently in circular motions with the weight of fingers. Avoid exerting extra pressure as this can dislodge the follicles. To speed up scab removal process and for quick healing repeat this twice daily. However, avoid oil massages until day 10 at least. Most patients are scared to massage their scalp, as they fear this may dislocate the grafts. But if you start it on day 13, do it with full confidence, but light hands, as by this time your scalp will be already pretty clean and follicles almost attached to the scalp and blood supply. By the 4th week, transplanted hairs will automatically begin to fall off. But this is pretty normal and should not panic you. The transplanted hairs as well as a part of existing hairs around the recipient area will shed before they begin to grow at a normal pace of half an inch per month.
3 Days
5-6 Hours
Sedation Method, Local Anesthesia.
7-10 Days